
Sally's River Gangbang

My wife Sally and I have been active all of our lives. We both enjoy hiking, skiing, swimming, and other outdoor activities. This did not change once we each hit 50. The one thing we did notice was that many of our friends began to slack off on their activities as they got older, particularly the wives. On our various expeditions we would either be accompanied by younger friends or older male friends who had left their wives behind. This was what happened on a canoe trip last year. After careful research, two friends and I chose a section of the Green River where it runs through a particularly scenic canyon in Utah.

Wet Ride Ch. 01

Katrina relaxed, allowing herself to sink deep into one of the few padded seats on the train. Her legs ached and her mind races from the events of the long tiring day now thankfully behind her. Work had been the usual hell, her boss was a pig unwilling to accept the idea that she wouldn't be sleeping with him for the raise that was rightfully Hers. All that she could see upon leaving the building was the scowling face of that asshole still stewing over the hot coffee she had "accidentally" poured in his disgusting lap. Now, though, far from that place and that man, she began to finally let the tension of the day subside and began to look forward to the train ride ahead.